Why Is this So Hard To See?

I've talked before about the most recent DODs  "findings" regarding servicemember/vet suicide. They cited "domestic discourse" as the common denominator. I laughed. THEY DIDN'T EVEN TRY!  Have you ever met someone with an undiagnosed or ill treated or newly developed case of ptsd or tbi? None of their marriages are picturesque.  You're going to find it almost all ptsd cases of a married individual. They also cited financial issues. PTSD specifically turns molehill into mountain. We cannot cope with every day stressors the way we used it. Don't blame it on the family. GO DEEPER. IF YOU ACTUALLY CARE AND WANT TO HELP FIX IT!

Let me drop some numbers on you here: one-third of all our countries homeless people are combat vets. 76% have drug alcohol and mental health issues. I firmly believe that happy healthy people don't turn to drugs and alcohol. It's a symptom of a deeper issue. People want to treat addiction but don't touch WHY they use so they don't get clean. Why are our vets sleeping in a cold alley, downing a bottle of vodka just to sleep at night? Because someone at the VA told them they were NOT sick ENOUGH.

I am so irritated by the stories I hear every day from vets who went for help and we're marginalized, their concerns minimized or completely blown off. In my experience men generally don't like to see doctors so if a man...a proud veteran comes into a hospital and asks for help you better take that shit seriously! I PROMISE YOU IF YOU TURN HIM AWAY HE WILL NEVER ASK AGAIN. THAT...IS THE BEGINNING OF THE END. IN THAT ONE MOMENT YOU'RE EITHER GOING TO SAVE HIS LIFE OR SIGN HIS DEATH CERTIFICATE.

I have a friend who went to the local VA center finally, after years of struggling and spoke to the doctor. Within five minutes this doctor told him all the anxiety, paranoia, sleep issues and panic attacks were due to his current divorce proceedings and completely dismissed him. He walked out of that office seething. He called me and told me what happened. I told him if a year doctor wants to nail you down within minutes of talking to you they are a shitty doctor and their opinion CA to be trusted. He MUST go see a different doc. I knew he had it. I'd spent time with him and recognized behaviors that aren't just temporary environmental stress.  I convinced him to see another doctor. He was properly diagnosed and began treatment.

Had I not urged him to try again he probably wouldn't have. He told me later had he not gotten the right help and support he would not be here today.

Why is this happening so often? Why do I keep hearing the same story from every branch of service, in every state of this nation? Why is it so crystal clear to me but unnoticed by people who can change and fix it? Is it they don't notice or they don't care? It's starting to feel like the latter.


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