The Gentle Giant

There are three men in my life that since childhood I have trusted explicitly. Jaime Valenzuela, Sean McGee, and Kenny Loveless. They have loved and protected me for 25 years and have always been there for me in thick and thin. The relationship was special with those three and even to this day I know for a fact that if I called them and told them I needed help their first reply would be "who's ass needs kicking?" It would NOT matter who, or if I were right or wrong they had my back.

Today we lost one of those guys and in a way the world feels a bit less safe. We learned that Kenny passed away. He will be sorely missed by so many.

We grew up together in a small farming community in Missouri, in the same neighborhood just one street away. There was a group of neighborhood kids who were together daily usually mobbed up in one or the other's front yard. We were as thick as thieves. For the most part even though half of us moved far away and we all grew up to have lives and jobs and families...we are still close.

Kenny was a very tall boy, incredibly strong. He was exceptionally protective and fiercely loyal. Once he loved you, that was it. He would move a mountain for you.
Interestingly there were two sides to Kenny. There was the gentle giant we knew and loved and the wild eyed beast he became when you hurt one of his friends. I've seen both but had the fortune to always know his as that gentle soul who cared deeply. He was the type of boy that was respectful to women and his elders. He was raised right. He had great manners and a way of making people feel completely comfortable.

He was the type of boy and then man who I could get pass out drunk around and he'd carry me to the couch, take off my shoes, cover me up and sit in the chair beside me to make sure I didn't puke. I never worried with him. (I'm not confirming that situation ever happened but just giving a general scenario. *WINK*)

The last time we spoke was on Facebook. He had noticed guy we know from our childhood was being a complete dick to me and he sent me a message. It read

"Are you ok? Do you want me to go whip him? Say the word.  I can't type fast enough just call me." I'm 36 years old and he's still quite willing to chase my bullies away. God bless him.

I want his family to know there are so many people who loved that kid. Those same people share in your loss and sorrow. We are thinking about you as you begin your journey in grief.  He was a good person. If there is anything we can do to help let us know. It's the least we can do for the loved ones of a guy who always took care of us.

There is nothing anyone can do or say to stop the pain when you lose someone you love but hopefully just knowing how many people felt blessed to be in his life...maybe for a moment at least, you can be comforted.


  1. Beautiful, just beautiful. If Kenny's character and love for others could be summed up in words, you just did it. Thank you and God bless you.

  2. So true. So incredibly true. He was an awesome friend. An amazing person. He will be greatly missed. God gained a another angel. A warrior angel at that. May you rest in paradise Kenny.
    Love always,
    Jennifer Gierczuk

  3. Kenny was a great guy. I wish I would've stayed in touch after school. While I mourn our loss I will celebrate his life.


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