The Art of Being a Woman

Lately my 8 year old daughter has been relying on her cuteness to get her out of trouble and responsibility. Maybe it's the age, I have no idea. She would rather spend her time in the morning brushing her hair just so, than eating breakfast before school.

Tonight I decided to start teaching her the art, the secret and the responsibility of being a woman. I explained to her that it doesn't hurt to be beautiful in life but some girls stop there. They rely on their looks to get them where they want to do. They define themselves on their looks. Your looks can only take you so far and looks fade. We get old.

It's just not enough for a woman to be what society deems as "beautiful". There are two things that are more important than that. Intelligence and a sense of humor. Being intelligent enough to know when you should use that beauty to your advantage and having a sense of humor to laugh when people say you're too pretty to be smart.

I knew I was smart before I realized I was pretty. I was a late bloomer in life. I came from a funny family so that was just natural. When I became pretty I noticed the way people treated me differently. That is how I became to know the secret to being a beautiful woman.

Your looks will get you the interview.
Your intelligence will get you the job.
Your sense of humor will allow you chuckle silently when people assume you're just a pretty face. It'll also help keep you sane in a male dominated world.

I want for Kira to confidently define herself intelligent as a first thought if asked to describe herself.  Looks have their place but no one can take away your intelligence. There will be struggles in life and having a sense of humor will smooth over those rocky times. There is no limit to the amount that you can learn but there are only so many jobs you can get because you're cute. Having a sense of humor does not mean walking around the office dropping one liners and giving your coworkers the hand gun point and wink. It's finding the irony in life. Laughing at our own mistakes and learning from them.

I personally have seen the look on someone's face when I proven to them I wasn't just appealing to look at. I want that for her. I want her to take this world and her life by the balls and I want her to know her true worth. For whatever reason she was born a beautiful girl and it helps to know that but knowing when it's appropriate to use it is most important.  We didn't make societies rules, we will play by them but on our own terms.

I am going to teach her everyday not just in my words but in my actions that being smart is the greatest gift you can possess and it's free. There is no limit to the knowledge you can retain. You determine how much or little you learn. Once you have it no one can take it and smart is sexy. 


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