Pain is Weakness leaving the body.

We still have tons of shirts with this phase written on them from Mikes days of recruiting. 

"Pain is just weakness leaving the body."

At one time I thought it was just a macho moto phrase used to pump Marines up. Now, I abhor it. It disgusts me actually.

It says pain is weakness. It tells Marines being in pain is a sign of weakness and is therefore unacceptable. Why do we have so many suicides? Because from the day the recruiter shows up at your school and hands you this promotional tshirt he is telling you pain is not allowed in the beloved Corps.

If you feel pain you push harder. Release that weakness. Harder faster stronger.

Despite so many programs in place our service members are not being saved. It's not because we lack resources for them. It's because they are trained to ignore pain. You must not be a good Marine if you feel it....there is no place for weakness here.

It's a very mixed message. You can't tell them "pain is weakness but if you feel it here's some help, ya failure!"

The psychological wounds acquired in service are no different than the physical one. You just can't see them. You are a hero for the physical damage and a colossal fuck up for emotional and psychological damage.

The only way Mike knew to stop the pain was to put the barrel of his rifle in his mouth, pull the trigger and release the "weakness" from his body.


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