A small compliment, a huge realization.

Yesterday, while Kira and I were playing make overs she said to me "mama, you have perfect lips!" I was a bit taken back but flattered. I just told her she also had perfect lips. Why was I taken by surprise? I will tell you...

I have always hated my lips. They are very thin. I have always envied larger more subtle plump lips. But, more than I hate my lips...I love my daughter. I have been mindful since the day she was born to keep my insecurities in check. A woman is formed by her mothers opinions of herself. A girl learns to love herself not just from the way she is treated by her parents but the way her parents treat themselves.

I felt in the moment she gave me the compliment that I was doing something right. She was able to give me a sincere compliment and it was about a part of my body I have never really been fond of. As the mom of a daughter that was a really big deal. I try to be kinder to myself so she will too. I teach her to love all of herself. For what we may see as flaws, others see as beauty. 

I remember my own mother being incredibly modest. Almost shameful of her own body. She was not quick to compliment herself or others. Although she never said she was insecure he actions and behavior told another story. I remember this vividly. 

I try to learn from this and keep my baby in mind. I think having her has actually taught me to love myself more. I was pretty before her and I am beautiful now. I am more confident everyday as I teach her to love herself and others.

Having a daughter has made me beautiful. 


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