About Time

I watched a movie last night called About Time. It was about a man who had the ability to go back in time and change things he thought went wrong in his life. 

I thought about it for awhile after it went off. What if I had the power to go back to the night Mike died and prevent him from taking his own life?

The obvious answer is yes. However, my answer and one that might piss people off is I wouldn't. 

Mike was very sick. He got sicker by the day and refused to admit he had a problem. Going back to that day and removing the guns would be completely selfish and more detrimental to him. His pain would deepen, his depression plummet. He would still hurt so much everyday because he could not accept it was within him. All the problems he had in his life were locked inside his head. He carried the only key.

Our lives were changed forever that night but the thought of Mike feeling that way for even one more day makes me saddest. Would he get help? Would he get worse? There is no way of knowing.

What I do know is it's been five months now that he's gone. Another calendar year. The kids and I are adjusting. Were coping and remembering the good times. It's best not to mess with "going back" only going forward.


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