A Date With Grandma

Mikes mom and I had a falling out a few months before he died. I went to her for help and she called me a shitty wife and mom...we didn't talk again until the day he died. It's been about the same since. There were rumors around town that his parents thought I killed him myself. But, if so it was the grief talking. No one wants to accept their child could take their own life. 

She contacted me through Facebook earlier this week randomly and asked if she could talke the kids out for the day. I was shocked. She's never had them on her own. I mean they aren't infants, 9 and 7 (which is even more odd. Takes ten years for her to ask), but I put all my personal pain aside and happily said yes. She is, their one other connection to their father. I knew him best in his adult life. She had only seen him a handful of times in the past 20 years but she raised him. She made him. So I am happy they are getting this time.

The kids were so excited. We were up at 7 am and Kira even asked me to curl her hair. If you know Kira, you know that this is no small request. She was so thrilled to be going anywhere with her grandma. Mason was excited but mostly because they go to Waffle House usually and he's a fan. Nevertheless, she showed up and on time and the kids jumped right in her truck. I whispered "please be very good for grandma." Kissed them bye and they drove off. 

I will be checking my phone all day to see if she's called because they have misbehaved (she told me in that argument last summer that Mason was the biggest brat she'd ever met and it was a direct reflection of me. My fault. He's a kid. She's 75. Everything but still is misbehavior. Lol)

I just want them to have whatever connection they can to their roots. I won't force my kids on them. I will love them enough for everyone. I'm a just thankful for this day. 


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