I won't be that person!

I write for many reasons. The main reason is that it's my therapy. Well, one form anyway. I see an actual therapist weekly. But, writing frees my mind of all the random thoughts swirling around. I say what I want, how I feel. I'm completely honest. No holding back, no bullshit. It would be a disservice to myself to lie or misrepresent my feeling. Sometimes it's raw and hard to read. I never know how I'm going to feel because I've never gone through this before. I just share, release.

Yesterday when I met with my survivor advocate, he mentioned that when I am having a bad day to refrain from sharing online. He told me that other survivors, military wives are asking what's up with that wife in Wentzville? She seems...whoa! He said people are wondering about me. The other advocate said "you have this amazing gift in writing but you come off as a bad ass. You don't want people to think that right?" He said "you may miss out on opportunities if people take you the wrong way. Your can be THE voice of the epidemic if you keep those bad days to yourself. Write in your diary."

....I told them I don't give a rats ass about how I am received by strangers. If I am seen as a loose cannon then don't ask me to write or speak for your organization. I'm not a spokesperson for military suicide survivors. No one is paying me. I share because I know that others are feeling exactly how I do. I share so people considering taking their lives will know what happens to the family when they make that choice.

I'm not trying to change the world. I'm trying to survive this. If you think there is a problem just fucking ask. I am human. I'm not going to lie and say everyday is puppies and rainbows. How is that going to help? People who do read it will think their feelings are wrong because look at her...she's tap dancing with unicorns! This isn't easy, some days suck and I will not change to make others more comfortable. This is real.

Take it or leave it.


  1. We appreciate your honesty Misty. What's the point in writing if you aren't real/true to yourself! And you know what?. You ARE a badass! You're handling all of this much better than a lot of people I know and writing about those bad days helps people understand that their emotions are normal because there is no normal. You're awesome. You're Strong. You're getting through this.


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