Sons Of Anarchy is...amazing.

I started watching Sunday afternoon. It's Friday night and I'm already five seasons in. Yes, it's been a Netflix binge. As soon as the kids are in bed I'm glued to this show. Its that good.

It's also bad in that last night my netflix had a glitch and somehow played an episode three ahead of where I left off and nothing was making sense. I finally realized what had happened and got so upset I just turned off the tv. I went to bed and dreamed about time travel. I'm sure it's connected as I basically fast forwarded through the lives of the people on my show. Super bummer. It's my First World problem...I know. But let me tell you this crazy ass dream. It's completely unrelated to SOA but was some real SciFi channel worthy material.

The first part I can recall was my traveling on a horse and wagon with family. We were hauling timber and came to a bridge. It was a rickety old broken thing. I remember quite specifically my cousin Cissy (whom I haven't seen in about ten years!) said don't be worried we take this route everyday. It can hold us. Just don't look down. (Which I interpreted as support from loved ones in a scary problem. Her words...the bridge being broken...crossing a broken bridge to me is pretty symbolic.)

But then here is the weird part...

When we got over the bridge we were met by a man who was sort of like a tour guide. He was friendly and said "follow me" my cousin looked at me with approval and so I followed. We went through some sort of port hole (no...I'm not kidding). We were in what I can only explain as an Amish town? That was my immediate thought looking around. I finally realize that it's not an Amish town, we are in the 1800s. There were no modern conveniences. That's why I first thought was Amish. No electricity, no TVs, to lights or cars. 

We were in a restaurant and our bill came. For the entire group it cost 3.00. There were about ten of us total. I remember in the dream that I knew I was dreaming and paid attention to the waiter who gave us the check and what currency was being exchanged trying to figure out where the hell I was.

I noticed the people walking through the streets. Mostly everyone was dressed modestly in drab colored clothing, fully covered hats and gloves...but occasionally modern dressed couples where sprinkled in the mix with shopping bags quite excited about their purchases, rushing off and disappearing into the crowd. I found it really odd. It definitely stood out. I noticed a newspaper and the date. We were clearly in the early 1800s. 

We walked out of the restaurant and I remember telling our guide that I needed to use the restroom. He directed me to a private with running water and electricity. And I noticed a bag of dog food that was manufactured in 2005. It hit me...we traveled back in time but this guide had brought modern conveniences secretly. The modern people I saw were also from the future who somehow got through the Time travel hole. But how? How many locations were there? I remember rushing out and telling the guide I knew what was going on and I wanted answers. We spoke for a long time about it. He said he was a second generation time traveler and was born in modern time but preferred the peace and simplicity of the past as long as he had a few modern amenities. I told him I noticed other modern people and asked if he led them there too. He said no. So we set off to find out who was letting others in and how many.

We finally came to a warehouse and he looked through a window and saw a man sleeping hooked up to a machine. He said "it's just as I expected. You have to be a sleep state to open the porthole. This is more troubling than I though. They are holding him ransom kept in a medical induced coma to control the time travel....

It was the guides brother and the only other person able to do time travel. Apparently in was a genetic gift and some mob type people had kidnapped him and were selling time travel to modern people for shopping and adventure.  

I don't remember much after that. I gotta slow down on the SOA I think. Or sell my dreams to the SciFi channel....


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