Feeling incredibly overwhelmed today

Just when I think all hope is lost something happens...in this case several something's have happened and all at once. I'm not complaining at all. I'm just feeling really overwhelmed by it.

First, I was contacted by Huffington Post asking if I would be interested in being a guest blogger...uh...YES!

Then, the Marine Corps Times managing editor contacted me and said they not only want to run my blog but interview me along with it.

And finally today an organization contacted me offering help to fight the VA for Mikes death to be ruled "service connected" and an attorney she works with May be willing to take the case pro bono. 

I'm just beside myself. 

Mikes 40th birthday would have been this coming Monday. What a great gift. I will keep fighting.

I don't know why I feel so exhausted right now, It is all such good news. I want to spread awareness and help military families prevent what happened to him become a common bond. I don't want another family to live like this. 

I just need to breathe and be incredibly thankful for the help that has been extended.


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