lm not afraid of death

Of all my fears in this life...death is not one of them. Death is the only thing im certain will occur. We all live and we all die. Its everything in between birth and death I am unsure of. Everyone I have loved most has died.
My husband last year. My favorite aunt Linda in 2004. My grandmother in 2003. My bestfriend Cayce in 1995. My favorite Uncle Walt in 1994.
It goes on...

I know they are waiting for me. I also know they are watching over me here in this life. Im never alone. I can feel them around me. When im scared or unsure they comfort me.

This life has been hard. The Lord giveth and he taketh away. I know he made me strong. Resiliant.

Im not afraid to go when hes called me. Im only afraid my children will be left but then I remember I will be there watching over them as well. Never alone. Always with them.

My son has recently become obsessed with the show Long Island Medium.  I wonder who would come to her in my reading. They were all such strong personalities. I wonder if they are as stubbon on death as in life. And what would they say?

How could I be afraid of reuniting with the most important people in my life?


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