Jessica, I will be your voice.

This is why I fight. Jessica. Jessica didn't survive but like me she protected her baby until the end.

Reading it is so difficult. Down to the weapon he used. It's eerily familiar. For whatever reason I survived. I will be Jessica's voice. I know the fear, shock, doom and betrayal she felt in her final moments. I lived to tell the story. I will be damned if this keeps killing people and ruining families. Now this baby has neither parent.

Why aren't we catching them sooner? I've got to find a way to reach these people and tell our stories. I'm so sad. I don't want to shame our husbands but create awareness and intervention before things ever get this far. I'm praying to God to give me the strength and wisdom to get the word out. 

She's a casualty of war. We are all effected. No mother should ever feel she's got to defend her children from their own father and her own husband. Fuck I'm so upset right now.

I will continue to bang doors down until I get our stories out there. This is happening. This is real. And it could happen to any one of us if the condition does not get addressed. 

Please anyone out there who has the power to reach our service members, to give resources, to shares sings and symptoms, to break the me help all of us. 


  1. Misty.
    I've been reading your blog since last September. My husband and I were at Pendleton when you and your family were. I found out about Mike's death through mutal Facebook friends I think. Anyway....please contact me. My husband and I lived through this nightmare and BOTH came out the other side. It's possible. I can't sit by any longer and watch this happen to families that I know can get help. Living in that black hole is hell...getting help is nearly impossible. We need to do something. Email me, let's talk, brainstorm, anything.


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