
Recently I've had to put seriously thought into who I really am. This is what I know:

I hate breakfast food, but love breakfast for dinner.

I adore vintage pinup.

I'm the biggest romantic ever.

I am addicted to claw machines and scratch off tickets.

I am sad every time I look into my childrens eyes knowing they will grow up without their father.

I don't think I will ever be loved as deeply as Mike loved me.

I feel hollow most days but somehow stay positive.

I love Eddie Vedder. 

The Crow and The Notebook are my favorite movies.

I read a lot. 

When I was a teenager I read Midnight In The Garden Of Good And Evil and ever since I've wanted to live in Savannah GA.

I have read every Dean Koontz book.

I'm terrified of broken glass. 

I love to sew.

I love being domestic.

I loved being a wife, mom and family.

I love strong manly, hardworking/talented men.

I want to travel to Ireland, Rome and Italy.

I like fast cars but my heart belongs to a 57 Chevy. American Muscle turns me on.

I'm really interested in serial killers and how they became that way.

I'm an Empath. I can feel others feelings and tend to take on their emotions.

Writing is therapeutic for me.

I feel I was out on this planet to help others.

I love sitting by the ocean.

I have three amazing kids.

Even after all these facts...I still don't know who I am or my place in the world.

I'm scared.


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