I dont understand him at all.

I know that no child wants to be in trouble but he really makes me think otherwise. I just dont get him. Yesterday he pulled three landscaping sprinkler pipes out of the ground for no reason. Just because.

This was my day today:

At about 630am I woke to the sound of the ringtone my exhusbands incoming calls makes. I jumped up all confused and worried because he never calls that early. I half expected to hear someone was hurt or dead. I ran down the steps to see that TJ was just playing with my phone trying to get my attention. He said "sorry bout that but now that you are awake can you help me with my math homework?"


After school he kept jumping around avoiding his homework. When he did finally sit down with me to get started it was almost 5. I began to do his work (because the aholes at school said I should do the shit for him. He will learn by watching me. Cha! Whatever.) and he started shouting at me that I was doing it wrong. He kept saying some nonsense about it needing to be in "box form" but had no notes from class or an example or an ability to tell me what it meant. Only that I am stupid and its wrong. He will get his name on the board because *I* didn't do his homework right.

Mike walked in and into the living room right past us. TJ started screaming Mike was looking at him. I said knock it off. He threw his pencil and book. I got up to start dinner. As I made dinner and got it on the table TJ started throwing pine cones at Mike because he was looking at him wrong. So I sent him to his room. He stood at the top of the step throwing shoes, cussing and acting insane. Crying he wanted his supper. I told him when he was no longer throwing a fit and could calm down he could come back down. He was scaring Mas and Kira.

He finally chilled out and I told him to come down and eat. He then complained that his food was cold and tasted gross because "Mom cant cook". Mike gave him his medicine and said good night. He cried because he cant take a shower.

FML! This is like every day. I dunno what I am doing wrong here but it certainly isnt working for us.


  1. I can't say I feel your pain, because my son doesn't act like that...yet. He is only 9 still. However, he has started refusing to do his homework, started lying and becoming somewhat belligerent. I can only hope that I can ask for advice from you when that time comes :( I know, I am no help at all. Just know that it is NOT you, it is something in how their brain is wired. I have read that pre-teen/teen years are some of the hardest for those with Aspergers.


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