Happy Birtday Mason!

Last night we gave Mas his birthday gift. A NEW BIKE. He was more than surprised. He was squealing like a baby pig. He was so excited. His old bike was tiny, the seat was busted and it was stolen twice and vandalized so it wobbled quite a bit.

He checked out every inch of the bike. Of course he got a new helmet too and it has skulls on it like the bike so he was just in heaven.

Fast forward to this AM. We planned on walking him to school so he could ride his new bike. There was a slight problem to that. Kira woke this AM to a fever and it was misty raining. I couldn't walk him as planned. Boo. TJ offered to walk him and I reluctantly let him because I just know how much he was looking forward to it. Its two streets away. I told Mas that TJ could walk him or i could drive him because Kira was so sick. He said it was cool to go with Teej.

I gave them the normal rules, stay together, go straight to school blah blah blah.

Well about 20 minutes later Mason walks in in tears. I asked in panic what was wrong and where his brother and bike were. I thought someone was hurt. Turns out they got half way to school and TJ bike jacked Mason and took off for school. He told him to go home.

I was at a loss. I still am. School gets out in two hours. I am still sitting here shaking my head. I really did think it was something he could handle. Silly me.


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