The Ghost of Christmas Past

Today my husband and I finished our daughter's doll crib. We are both very proud. I know shes going to really love this thing. I hope its one of her fondest childhood gifts. She saw us finishing it up today. I lied and said it was an order for another kid. She was so bummed. She asked if daddy could maybe someday make her one. I wanted to cry but know on Christmas morning she will love it.

It really got me thinking. I remember quite clearly my favorite Christmas gift ever. It was 1985. I got a Hasbro Sleeping Real Baby. It came with birth announcements to send to friends and you named them yourself. I sat at my grandmas kitchen table and she helped me fill out the official birth certificate. I adored this baby doll. Her name was Michelle. ( My daughters middle name now!) She was really heavy like a real baby. Not plastic or hollow. Squishy even.

I cant remember anything else I got that year or any year before that but I will always remember that doll.

Here is a throwback commercial of the gem.

They totally creep me out now. The ones with open eyes all look like they have DS.


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