The Road Home

Tonight while catching up on older Dateline episodes I stumbled across The Road Home. Video

It's about survivors of mass shootings. It really triggered some serious emotions.

Although, my experience was more personal and on a much smaller scale....the wounds and lasting effect are nearly identical. This trauma is so specific.

The part that really hit me hardest was two victims of two separate tragedies recalling being behind the door from the shooter and holding the door knob closed as the shooter came closer...and then feeling the knob turn and someone attempting to get in. This was the source of the majority of their trauma.

...I was shocked. This was my experience too. Knowing that the flimsy door was all that separated you and death. Knowing any moment you will die. It's a feeling I cannot describe.

That moment. The fact that someone else knew. They shared my anxiety.

PTSD can be acquired so many ways but the results are so so so similar. It's a relief and bummer both, knowing that I'm not alone. I'm not crazy.  Watch the video but be prepared for emotions.


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