It May Be Uncomfortable to Talk About?

II have an alarm on my Google News. It notifies me when an article regarding Veteran Suicide is published. Today two were released about the SAV act. Both quoted an advocate saying "It might be uncomfortable to talk about..."

Now, don't get me wrong I am thrilled we have an open dialog in the country and legislation moving to help our veterans.


Uncomfortable to talk about?

When I think of "uncomfortable" I think about a mosquito bite. A mild discomfort.

If it's uncomfortable to talk about, imagine what it feels like to live with PTSD or TBI everyday. Or to be the spouse or child of a veteran who committed suicide. If talking is discomfort, living with this reality is akin to the loss of a limb. It's like putting a band aid on a severed arm and waking up every morning hoping it's healed. We will bleed to death before that will ever happen. And that's just it...people are dying. Every 65 minutes a veteran takes their own life. The people who made it possible to sit "comfortably" in your beautiful home while you read this on your smartphone sipping herbal tea are dying 22 deep a day. If you can't handle the discomfort of the topic you have no idea what it's like to serve or love and lose someone who did.

It's personally offensive to read people are uncomfortable hearing or speaking about it. I had to witness my husband, Marine of 20 years, father of my children; take his own life because society is uncomfortable with the subject. I heard the bolt click. I watched him walk past me holding that loaded rifle. The shot will ring in my ears all the days of my life. How comfortable am I?

I BECAME A WIDOW AT AGE 34. My youngest daughter may not have any memory of her father when she grows up. No daddy to walk her down the Isle on her wedding day. Only a photo on a table and a flickering memorial candle in his honor.  Imagine her discomfort?

My husband was a Marine for 20 years. He took his own life September 15, 2013. I'm not afraid to talk about it. My story may keep you or your loved on alive. You're welcome.


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