Masons Tenth Birthday Celebration

Hosting a kid birthday party at a very busy arcade is madness. Especially for a mom with PTSD. There were crowds and buzzing and blinking ringing and bears oh my!  I'm there with my nerves frayed thinking "you know this this day needs?!" (If you're thinking cowbell you are wrong but I like your style) what this day needs is....a live band of children musicians!

Oh my em gee. Really? The School of Rock (yes just like the Jack Black movie) was playing the venue. How did we get so lucky?

I was in a sweat for no damned reason. Oh wait, there was a reason. Because I'm crazy.

But I stuck it out. Mason had a blast. He will officially be ten this week. Where did the time go? I'm really missing his dad and wishing he could be here to see our middle baby turn two digits.


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