Wedding Rings

Despite my experiences in love and life I still believe in the concept of marriage. Not just in the legal sense but in the promise. The spiritual commitment to live and learn together, as a family, for life. I have joked many times about never marrying again but my heart knows better. I still ache for the bond. I know one day I will make that promise again. When I am healed and can give myself completely to another.

Have you ever left the house and forgot your wedding ring? You get to work or where ever you're headed and realize it? You feel naked and a bit vulnerable, right? There is a physical dent in your finger. A tan line even sometimes. All day long you just feel a little off. You know its missing. You know where it's at but you just cant do anything about it until later. Are you familiar with that feeling? That's what I feel like everyday. There is a hole, I know whats missing, but there is nothing I can do about it but keep going through my day. That is the best way I can describe the way it feels to be widowed at this point. The pain isn't knocking the wind out of me anymore. I don't cry constantly as I once did, things are just off.

Speaking of wedding rings and symbolism, have you ever been standing in a long check out line at Walmart, late for soccer practice or dance lessons or whatever, kids running around you like banshees and you looked down at your wedding ring and noticed all the junk stuck in it? Gross! Wedding rings are notorious for catching crud in them. If you look closely you might find paint spatter from trying three different colors of "taupe" in an effort to find just the right shade for your living room, some of the blue crap that comes off of an SOS pad from scrubbing the stove, maybe a hunk of Oreo cookie from the kids at can become a total mess.

The layers of gunk in your wedding ring is symbolic to me too. Life's chaos and trials are what define a marriage. The layers of gunk pile up and makes a once beautiful sparkler look like something out of a cracker jack box. All the gunk is your life. Kids, jobs, bills, just crudding  it up. That's the ironically beautiful part. When you shine it up and take the mystery toothbrush out of the junk drawer and give it a little attention its shines just as beautifully as it did the day he gave it to you. The diamond underneath is the foundation of your marriage. Even when there are layers of gunk dulling it, making it ugly and common... under all of that is a beautiful rock and a promise to do this together, for life.

Sometimes I think we need to take a minute to look at our wedding rings and see if it needs a little love. Realize that its kinda gross right now but under that is a solid breath taking gift.

If I have learned anything this far its that its so common to take what we have for granted. To think maybe there is something better, bigger...out there. When whats in front of you is the best thing you could have. It's your life and its amazing. Every second of it is a chance to make a memory. Make as many as you can.

Check out your wedding rings. Does it need a little care? Do it today. Do it right now. You have now. Tomorrow is not guaranteed. Make your promise count. 


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