The Cost of Adulthood

Some might say you can't put a price tag on being an adult. In this case the total is $1111.00.

If you read my last blog entry you will see that we have a new 18 year old. He has decided he wants to do what he wants and when he wants. As long as it benefits him he wants this. And, yes he has a point that at 18 we can't "legally" stop him from doing it. On the flip side as an adult he legally is responsible for taking care of his own way. So, I have made an invoice to cover the cost of his vacation. Being a grown up is expensive. Why do you think WE don't go on vacations more? Its because you HAVE TO PAY FOR THINGS!

Attached you will find a portion of the bill.

No checks or IOUs. Call or office to arrange payment immediately. If we do not receive payment in a timely manner you will get your chance to go to LA! Judge Judy films there and she LOVES punk kids who think they know everything. Make sure you tell her the reason you're mad at us is because we wouldn't drive you to LA to have sex with a girl you met on Facebook. She will love that! I cant wait to see the look on her face. That....will be priceless.
Being a grown up is hard and expensive. No matter what you do we will love you. However, neither your dad or myself are willing to allow you to grow into a manipulative, hateful asshole. We will do whatever we can to help you learn lessons and grow as respectful responsible man. One we can be proud of...mostly we want you to be proud of yourself.
Here is one of those "adult choices"...choose wisely. Make it count.


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