Not Eligible

So far I know a million resources and benefits the kids and I are NOT eligible for with the government and the VA specifically. I know why the suicide rate is so high with Veterans. They make it nearly impossible to obtain any services with the VA. You might eventually get some...but you're going to work your ass off for it.

We are not eligible for the following:

Life Insurance--He killed himself two weeks past the 120 day cut off. (Because suicidal people are known for great planning and thinking ahead!)

DIC--His suicide was not "service related" because he was too proud to ask for help. (But his medical records clearly show he was seen for ever PTSD related symptom. Just not labeled.)

Transfer of Post 911 Benefits for school--He has to be alive to consent for the transfer (he's clearly not going to use them dead.)

He still hasn't received his disability rating. He has to be alive for the exam. They cant examine a pile of ashes.

The list goes on and on...

Nearly a year has passed and not one of our claims or inquiries have been approved. They say of course, I can challenge all of them.

What we do get is $975.00 a month, which is 40% of his retirement in Survivors Benefits.

I stayed home for 7 years raising the kids before he died. I had just started in the work force again two months prior to his death. I was then fired two months after because my boss said "my PTSD is not conducive to the high stress position I held."

So now I am left with a poor credit rating, no employment experience and three kids who like to eat regularly.

I would love some direction. Do I just drop all the VA fighting and get two jobs? Do I forget about it all and pretend the past 12 years of my life never happened?

We live in a two bedroom apartment. I have no job, no school eligibility, no car and mostly no clue what I am going to do to get us out of this incredible hole we are in. Do I file for bankruptcy?

I am running out of ideas. SOS


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