Today is Military Spouse Appreciation Day
I've been getting messages all day wishing me a happy one. The only problem is I am not a military spouse anymore. I was for 11 years.
During that time I did everything expected of a Marine wife. I kept the house spotless, raised our children during many deployments. I kept our yard beautiful and won Yard Of the Quarter. I made costumes for all the neighbor kids In our housing area on base. Participated in unit functions, helped younger wives, babysat, did hair for many many wives for formal dances. I held the hands of wives giving birth while their husbands were in war zones.
When news came that the husbands unit of a friend took casualties I cried with the until names were released and we found out he was ok.
I even ran a website/message board for wives old and new. I wrote a comedy book about the craziness that is the Marine lifestyle.
For 8 years when he struggled with PTSD, I stood by him. Even when I wanted to give up and walk away, I kept loving him and trying harder to make him happy. In the end it didn't matter. None of it mattered.
When someone tells me happy military spouse appreciation day I don't feel I deserve it. It makes me sad and resentful. He took that away from me.
I used to joke about how stupid the holiday was in the first places. Now that it's been taken away....I guess I feel differently.
Happy Military Spouse Appreciation Day to all my friends across the globe. One day you will realize how special you are.
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