My Best Friends

Almost all my friends are like my best friends. I love them with all my heart and appreciate them and all they do. But with that being said, I have two best friend that I would literally die for. And I know they would do the same for me. They are Letty and Ariana. They aren't just friends they are sister wives.

Letty is from Texas. She's the epitome of love. She never speaks poorly of others. She makes the best guacamole in the world and is the best mom and wife I have ever met. She and her husband have been married since they were kids. Their love is the kind that make others green with envy. Her husband is just as kind and loving, gracious and loyal as her. They have two sons who are affectionate, happy and absolutely adorable. Letty has always been there for me no matter how ridiculous my request. She has the most beautiful skin I have ever seen and lips to die for.

Ariana is the baby of our trio but you'd never know by talking to her. She knows everything there is to know about makeup. She speaks her mind and makes me laugh til my sides hurt. She's an amazing mom and wife as well. She and her husband have been together since they were teenagers. They have two drop dead gorgeous daughters who are as different as two people could be but are the best behaved girls. Her husband has the most beautiful smile and is the type of man who can talk to anyone. Ariana is always up for anything. No idea is too crazy.

I met both girls while we lived on Camp Pendleton and spent some of the most amazing years in their company. We did the craziest, most fun, insane, hilarious things together. In 2012-13 we all went our separate ways. Ariana's husband got recruiting duty in West Virginia. Lettys husband got orders for Lejuene. My husband finished his twenty and we were headed back to our home state. 

I worried our friendship would be like so many others before and we'd lose touch moving on in our lives but I was so lucky that it didn't happen. We don't see eachother often and none of us like talking on the phone but we talk on Facebook daily, and text. We have an unspoken agreement. We don't call eachother unless it's an actual emergency. 

Unfortunately on September 16th of last year I had to call them. The night before, my husband had committed suicide. I could hardly speak. But because of our rule they knew it was important. I couldn't even get the words out. In that moment I needed them more than I had ever. I couldn't ask. I just needed to hear their voice.

They dropped everything in their lives, with their families and jobs jumped into the car and drove across the country to be by my side. When they pulled into my driveway I crumpled into them. I had never been more happy to see them. They stayed with me for a week. They let me cry and cuss, they made me laugh and feel supported. 

They are the best friends I could ever ask for. We don't need to talk regularly to know our place. If it's everyday or once a month we just know.

I read a bumpersticker once that said "be good to your girlfriends...they will most likely outlive your husbands!" In my case that was true. And they delivered. I am so grateful. So appreciative.

Letty and Ari I love you.


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