This Blog is Sponsored by Jack Daniels

Tonight I'm sick of pretending I'm healed and beyond pain. Because I'm not. There is a constant battle in my head. The part that says he was sick and not responsible for for what he did and then the part that says  NO! fuck that. Fuck him. How dare he leave us. More importantly how dare he leave our babies. They are beautiful and wonderful. They deserve so much more. 

He left me to pick up the pieces. He knows I'm scared of broken glass. 

I stood by him for 11 years when at times he didn't deserve me. I have up friends, jobs, schools, my life to support him. I lost my own identity somewhere along the way. I was a stay at home mom for 6 years. I had no relevant skills or experience in my line of work after all the time. 

Four deployments, countless training trips. 12-14 hour days...all with the promise that when the Marines were done with him I would get a chance to concentrate on things I'm interested. We could actually plan family trips and fuck...just breathe for once. 

That lasted 135 days. We hadn't even completely unpacked and settled in that house. 

And why for the love of God did you do it in our home. Just across the hall from where my children slept. The blood stain on the floor was a permanent reminder of your exit. I had to live in that fucking house for 7 months after you did it. How could you do that to me? I cleaned your brains off the garage ceiling. 

I have to lie to the kids and tell them what an amazing man you were. 

Your pain is gone and ours started that night. It's present every day that passes. Fuck you for doing this to us. I have no idea what I'm doing. I don't know how I'm going to take care of your kids. You had no life insurance. I had to borrow money to pay for your cremation. It's no longer your concern I guess. 

I'm fucking scared, Mike. 

...despite all this anger, pain and rage I fucking love you as much as I did when we were teenagers. It's so unfair.


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