Life is looking okay.

I finally went yesterday and had my bloodwork. Something I put off for too long. I actively avoided it. I had more concerning issues to deal with. Sean was here and held my hand while they poked me. I got my results back this morning and everything is good. It came back within my threshold and cancer free. All is well. My kids need me to be healthy and strong. So far, so good. I'm all they have. That part scares me. But knock on wood...I'm great.

Sean was in town for the weekend and we had a great time. The kids love him as much as I do. Lu Lu however still barks at him every time he walks in the room. She will learn to love him in time.

The kids invited him to the cemetery to see their daddy and he happily accepted. We went on Saturday and it was a good visit, the kids enjoyed watching the deer near his headstone and I liked watching their interaction with Sean. Loving him, bringing him into the mix in their way and their own timeframe. He was beautiful with them. Made my heart so happy.

I am not ashamed or embarrassed to say I am completely in love with him. He makes me calm. I love that. I love him. 

I'm happy and healthy. I've got amazing kids, a man who adores me, a roof over my head and am looking forward to the future. It's as good as I can possibly ask for. Thank you God for all that I have. I am grateful. 


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