Westboro Is a Hate Group

Their latest nonsense is incredible. Westboro Says Gays are to Blame For Hurricane. I was going to go with Global Warming. We have proof that Global Warming is happening but who needs facts in their "church".

I am offended that these people use "Church" to describe their organization of hatred. God doesn't hate. God doesn't say we should accost and harass people into his way, does he?
I am a christian hetero married mother of three. My husband is a US Marine, I love my country and I love God. God loves ALL. God does not "punish" in this life or any other.

 I am not afraid of homosexuals. I don't think they will make me gay or try to rape my children. I don't think God will damn me in the next life for loving people regardless of their sexual preference. Hating someone for being gay is no different than hating someone for the color of their skin, the God they love, Or the country they came from. Homosexuals are just like you. You don't ask your hetero neighbor what sexual position they prefer. Why would you focus on a homosexuals sexual preference?

I think my kids are growing up much better than the WBC children. My kids have no hate or fear in their hearts. I don't frighten them with my own insecurities veiled as "religious beliefs". I think the way children are brought up in that group is abusive and irresponsible. I don't recall reading t in the Bible that we should taunt, harass, scream shout and threaten people into loving Jesus OUR way. I do remember learning acceptance of our fellow man, I did learn that we can share our love of Him, be proud of our relationship to Him but allow others to find Him in their own time and way if that is what they choose. A personal relationship is more important than dragging someone to church who doesn't feel it. I teach my kids to not only accept other faiths and lifestyles but to get to know their differences, be interested in them. When there is understanding there is no fear. Hate is fear. If you don't fear, you cant hate. Westboro is a Hate Group by this definition. Not a church.
Whether you are a Christian or a Muslim, somewhere in between or none of the above you won't be treated any other way by me or my family. You are above all human and that is all that is required to be treated as equal in my book. I say that proudly and with no fear of being eternally damned by a spiteful God. I believe in my heart that there is no such thing. And, if there is I will go to my death knowing that I was a good person in life. That is nothing to be ashamed of.

I have to physically try to not to HATE the people who run Westboro, otherwise how am I any different than them? Its hard.  I am heartbroken that anyone can use the love of Jesus his word as a tool to hurt others. I am not educated enough on all things Christianity to say I know more than them but my heart says its wrong. When you don't know whats right you have to rely on that. It takes my breath away to think that hate lives in their hearts.

I am not a devout anything, I don't preach my beliefs to anyone. I don't think anyone who knows me would even call me "religious". I don't have all of the answers. I do know my door is open to all.

My name is Misty and I love Homosexuals AND Jesus.


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