Life Experience Hack

I really believe that every relationship you have in life, positive or negative gives you tools for navigating through life in the future. If you look at the situation this way you cannot hold anger and resentment too long. They gave you a gift. You may not realize it until much later but all interactions have an impact. Maybe you had a boss who made your days absolutely miserable once. This experience prepares you for when you become a leader. You can reflect on what NOT to do. He/she helped you become a better boss just by knowing you. Maybe later in life you encounter a leader in the work place who is similarly difficult, because you've already dealt with such a person the rest of the office is frazzled but you know the personality and have been there before so it's considerably less stressful. You will encounter all personalities in life. Instead of dreading any interaction with some just mentally ask yourself "what is this person going to teach me about myself or others later?"

Your opinion of people and circumstance will change over time. Failed relationship are not a loss, they help prepare you to be even better down the road. Instead of shuttering at the very mention of a person's name you can think back with appreciation because the experience you shared helped you grow and learn. You don't have to like or dislike a person this way but rather just be grateful for the lesson you learned in the experience.

Every interaction I have teaches me something. I don't think its coincidence. When I meet someone new I'm excited because I know this is going to impact my future. I do a lot of advocacy work these days and although I'm the Mentor and these people are looking to me for guidance they usually teach me too. It's a win/win.

Bad things happen in life, it's unavoidable but if you refuse to stay in a victim role and allow triumph from tragedy you will not only survive you will thrive and become a more empathetic person. If you accept the lessons these experiences bring you will become more evolved, stronger and more prepared to handle whatever you encounter later.

It's a matter of perspective I guess. As for me, I will get knocked down but always get up again. Perhaps next time I will know to duck.  


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