An Anniversary Of Sorts

Many people don't know that I was briefly married at age 19. That my eldest son was from this marriage...

19 years ago I married TJ'S dad. We were so young and so clueless. We had good intentions. We loved each other and thought it was the right thing to do. The marriage was so brief, just 4 short years. If TJ hadn't come it would be hard to believe it even happened. We learned so much in that short time. We learned what it means to be a spouse and I truly believe that experience made us great husband and wife to our future spouses. I don't regret it. I look back and smile because it was so innocent and honest. I think my ex husband is a good father and husband to his family and that's something not everyone can say. I like him. I appreciate him and the small blink of time we grew and learned together.

                           June 20, 1998

I was 19 and he was 21. When I look back I just giggle. How young. How naive. But how beautiful. Life was easy back then. We really thought we had the world figured out. Now, our son has just graduated high school and turned 18, will be heading off to college this fall. Tony and I are done raising him. We are no longer obligated to Co-parent him as a child. Our relationship is changing as TJ is now an adult. I'm not certain what it means or how the dynamics of our relationship will evolve. I just know I'm glad it was with him. We rarely speak now as there is no need. And the more TJ grows the less we will have a need to communicate. But as life changes I am grateful for what it was. He's a good guy and I'm proud of the man he's become. We grew up together while rasing a son. We were just our son's age when we started our life together and as I see my son now, so immature, naive and unwordly I think that was us once. How can I not look back and smile?

Who knows what the future will bring? Unlike at age 19 I have no clue what the world is all about. The older I get the less I seem to know. I want to thank Tony for learning and growing with me. Most of all the great lessons I've learned in life were learned in raising TJ. Both our first child, the craziest adventure of all.

Nearly 20 years is a long time to look back and reflect. I am not ashamed of our "failure" I don't see it that way at all. We prepared each other for life and love and commitment. How could that be seen as anything but a gift?  And our kid turned out amazing, strong, healthy, smart and gorgeous! He's the sort of person you'd hope to know. He's kind and considerate, loving and helpful. He's got a heart of gold. So whatever it is we've done, I'd call it successful. You only need to look at our boy to see. We did ok.

Thanks, Tony...for everything!


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