No Coincidences

I think there are no coincidences in life. Everything happens for a reason. I don't always know the reason until I'm meant to know. I am okay with that. When you are of the opinion that nothing is chance the world seems a bit magical and situations can even be divine. Perhaps it's my convoluted imagination or simply wishful thinking. Does it matter? Nope. I'm not hurting anyone or myself in this thinking and it makes me smile.

I will give you an example of this occuring:  Tuesday after school I took the kids to Del Mar Beach on base. It is the ONE place where I can almost always feel Mike's presence. It was our place. It's where we built sandcastle with the kids, jumped waves and had several family photos done. It's so strong, this feeling that it brings tears to my eyes just stepping in the sand. So, back to my story...we went to the beach this week. As the kids are jumping in the shallow waves I walked along the shore line. As per my usual I began to tear up and looked to the sky. As I kept walking I came upon a group of young Marines and their friends. A song was playing on a radio or phone with them. I immediately began to smile. I laughed though my snotty tears.

The song was Here Without You by Three Doors Down. That song was our "deployment song". When we were apart we listened to it to feel closer. It's not even a newer song. Not one that would be on the top 50 hit radio stations. I knew it was him saying he missed me too.  I felt instantly better. Is it possible? Like I said...who cares? It made me feel better and it's not hurting anyone. It was awesome. Just what I needed.

See..magic! In this fight anything that is not harmful and makes you feel better is perfectly fine in my book. Find your magic. Be unapologetic about things that make you smile. No matter where or when you find it. Your soul deserved it.


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