Natural Disaster And PTSD

Natural Disaster and Post Traumatic Stress are not that much different. What could they possibly have in common? They don't discriminate. I've often compared our traumatic loss to a tornado ( I grew up in Missouri so that's the natural disaster I know best. Could be any one of them) . It blew through so fast and furious, leaving such annihilation in it's wake.

PTSD and a Tornado are alike in many ways. There is no way to tell which person or which home will be destroyed. All they require are the right conditions. You can have two houses standing side by side on the same street in the exact same tornado and one will be ripped from the foundation as the other stands completely intact. PTSD works exactly this way too. Two people who experience the exact same trauma can have completely opposite outcomes. There really is no way to predict who when or where exactly. Just like a natural disaster.

We can identify warning signs for both. But even a siren won't determine exactly where it ultimately strikes. ..or if it will touch down at all. Only that conditions are favorable. And in both cases the effect doesn't discriminate. Whether you're rich or poor, educated or ignorant, strong or weak, they are simply uncaring in that respect. No one is immune.

You could say " I'll just live where tornadoes naturally do not occur!" Then the natural disaster morphs into a typhoon, earthquake, wildfire.... it doesn't matter what you CALL IT. Where you live, how much money is in your bank, how many people love you, how successful or how big your house is. Natural disaster and PTSD don't care. They aren't human. Empathy does not exist.

Money and success can help you rebuild your life but it comes with it's own problems and setbacks. It's very hard for outsiders to comprehend that something could be wrong with you because you're doing so well! You don't look sick. You've got so much to be thankful for! Those misconceptions keep you from getting help sometimes. The guilt or the way you think others see you.

Like I said, anyone can be caught in natural disaster. Anyone. Obviously we know that those who have experienced trauma in life are more susceptible to experiencing re-trauma. Just like we know places on the map in which tornadoes are more likely to occur. You can't stop living your life because you know it COULD happen. You go out and get help. You symbolically "build your storm shelter" and do what you can to be prepared with peace of mind then live your life! You don't ignore the fact that you live in tornado alley. You've got insurance, you got your shelter and your family has a tornado plan. You're fully aware of the possibility. That's all you can do. You trust you've done all you can and the rest is up to God.

Dont ever assume you know what you'd do in crisis. Dont ever assume there is a "type" of person more susceptible to trauma. Dont think because you're not infantry in a war you couldn't possibly get PTSD. Dont judge a person who asks for help either. In crisis communities come together to rebuild. You don't have to be personally hit by the tornado to feel you should help. Just knowing there will be a next one and it may not skip your home should be enough to roll up your sleeves.


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