One Regret

As we near the second anniversary of Mikes death I can think of only one regret. That is my kids will never know his side of the family. One day they will ask why we never hear from or see them and I dread that day. I am always as honest as I can be with them. I will have to tell them the truth. That truth is ugly. They accused me of letting him die under my watch and accused me of actually murdering him myself. The told me they wanted nothing to do with me. Unfortunately, they see our kids as an extension of me. Not as individuals who are deserving of their love and attention. 

I past any anger I have for them and only feel a sense of sadness. For my kids. They lost their dad and his entire side of his family. His brother and I were always close as kids. Even before I met Mike. I haven't heard from him since the funeral. His sister told me she wants me to burn in hell and that I am evil. His parents send cards on holidays but have no contact with them outside of that. I really feel they card sending is to feed their guilt not because they care to know them. I would take a good five minute phone conversation between them over a $50.00 money order. 

It's not fair their dad died and all connection to his history died with him. It breaks my heart everyday that they can't separate their feeling for me and their love for my babies. The distance apart we live matters none. Even when we lived five minutes away they still didn't bother to come visit them.

I understand everyone grieves differently but I am a mom who puts her kids health and well being first. I think it was his mom who said it was unbearable to be around them. It just made her too sad. To that I say...guess how hard it is on them? It's not always what's most convenient for you but more often what's best for your kids. 

I feel like they were robbed twice in one day. I've tried so many times since his death to reach out to them. They never answer their phone, text or messages on Facebook. His sister literally has me blocked. Because he brother killed himself and I didn't try to wrestle a rifle from his hands. 

Luckily I have family, and friends around for them. A lot of Mikes former Marine pals have stayed in contact and they can share stories of him. Can tell them what he was like. 

Mike and his family didn't have a close relationship before he died. Long before. He hadn't seen his sister in 20 years. We met with her shortly before his death. The kids got to at least meet her. He and his brother were never close at all but the Fourth of July before his death, they really bonded. They had that time. I just sat back and watched. The laughed and chased after kids. I hope Jimmy can hold on tight to that memory. For just one day, it was like they weren't just brothers...they were friends.

I guess the past that really hurts the most is that his moms first husband died by suicide in their home. If anyone knew how I felt it was her. She could have been my best source of support. Someone who had been there and knew exactly how I felt. His sister was Kiras age when her dad died. She could have been an awesome mentor to her during HER grief. 

I don't know if they will ever have any kind of relationship with the Blum side. Maybe when they are adults? His parents are pretty old. I hope it's not too late when they decide to open their hearts to their grandchildren.

It's something I truly regret.


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