Drug Mules and Execution

In the past few days I've been debating with a few people on Twitter, including Russel Brand the comedian. They are passing a petition around to stop the death penalty for drug mules. I opposed their cause. I disagreed with them. I think the death penalty should be an option. Why?

In my opinion bringing drugs into my country is an act of terrorism. You are bringing a weapon of mass destruction into our home. Shoving a pound of heroin or cocaine in your vagina is a death wish either way. Should something go wrong with the packaging it's going to kill you. Should you get busted and give up your source to save your life, the drug producer will kill you. You are actually safer on death row. 

And if the substance doesn't kill you, it will likely kill the addicts who recieve it. A mule is assisting their suicide. Addicts are sick. They cannot stop in many cases. They are vulnerable and a mule is just one cog in the machine keeping a person sick. 

Drug mules don't know or don't care about the devastation they are bringing in their smuggling. I've heard just about every excuse a mule has made for their choice to participate. It's always the money. 

"Easy money"

They will put their own life at risk transporting. They have no concern for the ripple effect they caused. Even if they only make one trip, people can overdose, families are ripped apart. Mother and fathers will have to bury a child, someone could lose their job and then their home and their family is on the streets. Another person gets hooked, or slips deeper into their addiction. 

All from one person making a choice to mule. And if you may be considering this ridiculous idea personally the name mule should give you your first warning. Mules are work animals. They are only as useful as long as they work. Don't be an ass. 

You are nothing more than a shipping container with a pulse to the people who you work for. Do you think they care what happens to you as long as their box makes it to the intended destination? Yeah. They don't. They may woo you with the good life, show you their fancy cars and pools to gain your trust but you're disposable. There are better ways to make money. 

I am not opposed to giving the death penalty to those who willingly transport drugs into this country. If you got away with it once you'll be more likely try it again. The vicious cycle continues. 


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