Silly, Justine

You once told him the song Settle For A Slow Down reminded you of him. You should know by now that he drove right past because no one saw you. You were like a parcel of garbage the wind blew across the street. He hit the gas because that was a bad part of town.

Instead I offer you a little Misery Business by Paramore. If you haven't heard it look it up. I never meant to brag but it does feel pretty fucking good. If there was a song called Stop Bothering Us, You Adulterous Cum Bucket...I would give you that one too but sadly it does not exist.

You actually told him it was clear I was still in love with my late husband. Thanks Captain Obvious. None of us saw that. Please find my sarcasm. I will always love my husband. If you loved yours half as much as I do, we wouldn't be in this pickle. See what I did there?

I told you over a year ago to go be concerned with your own husband. Yet, here we are. In your last message you claimed you read my blog. That's not weird at all. Ok, yeah it is. You also said I enjoy drama. The woman who had no problem sucking her husband's best friend off while her sick husband rest a room away tells me...I like drama? I can only giggle at your terrible judgment. You're so far off. But now I will stir up a little drama. Most of that last email wasn't about wasn't about was about how terrible I am. Ha!

You only think I'm terrible because he has no interest in YOU. You say I love being stagnant in life? In the past year I've moved across the country and bought a house...yet you're still begging for attention. That water's run still. Do you know what still water brings? Mosquito. Annoying bloodsucking pests. You are both annoying and know a thing or two about sucking, eh?

I will make good on my promise of forwarding all your messages to your husband. Now since you say you catch up on my blog I will dedicate one just to you. The pathetic girl who is so attention starved.

I wrote you a little poem:

I'm the one he trusted.
You're the one he thrusted.

I'm make him happy like a new truck.
You were just there willing to mouth fuck.

My advice is true and should be followed.
Don't think your opinion counts just because you swallowed.

A marriage is sacred when you make that vow.
Get some integrity, you best...friend... fucking... cow!

Hold your applause.

After you've YouTubed that song, I suggest you go work on your clearly failing marriage. Something is definitely not going well at home. It's pretty obvious you don't respect your husband or you'd never have contacted us. Some people can't learn from their mistakes. Trust me it was a doozy.

I hope that clears up any confusion as to where loyalties lie. I will be happy to further discuss if there are any more questions.

Kindly, go fuck yourself. I hear you like to do that on Skype. Your husband is either a saint or a complete fucking moron.

Now, get off the road before you get ran over.


  1. ooooooh, DAAAAAAAAMMMMN! (Just catching up on your blog lady). Holy Christ, I'm going to pop some popcorn before I read any further. Wishing you nothing but the best, although, I almost reel bad enough to buy that other chick some burn cream.


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