Everyone is talking about two things lately, Caitlin Jenner And the Duggars. I am not even going to go far on Jenner because it's a non issue. My only hate is that her rack is phenomenal and superior to mine, I was born female.

The Duggars things though really really upset me. And the public reaction upset me even more. Why is the focus on the pious family being hipocrites? There are living victims in the chaos and media frenzy. Why is no one saying "I don't care who you are. I don't care your celebrity or standing in the community. Children were hurt. Law enforcement failed them. Their church failed them. Their family failed them. I personally don't give a good god damn who you portray in television, children suffered in their inaction." He was sent to work camp by his parents!

Manual labor doesn't rid a predator from his impulses. I don't care that he was a teenager. At that age you know what you're doing is not ok. He's grown now with kids of his own. Who knows how many he may have victimized since then? Are his children safe? Just because the statute of limitations is up for his prior doesn't stop a person from recommitting. Why is THAT not the NUMBER ONE priority? You don't pray the illness away. Wouldn't that make it so much easier?

Before I was a military widow, before I was a military wife...I was a child abused by a family member. No one believed me. I had to grow up with this man sometimes living in our home. I broke my silence as an adult, after years had passed. Years of not being heard or completely being dismissed. His daughter grew up to have a drug addiction. One she still fights today. His son signed up for the military as soon as he could. He died in Iraq. I spoke up because he had 5 granddaughters and I was terrified for them. More than I was resentful for me, I feared they would suffer and live with that disgusting feeling. THAT'S UNFORGIVABLE!

He died shortly after Mike. I wasn't sad. I was finally able to breathe after 35 years. He would not hurt another child. I remember only thinking I hope he doesn't run into my husband on the other side. He will be in a world of hurt.

So as a survivor of child sex abuse someone please put the focus on the victims and children he is exposed to now. I don't believe for a second he magically quit wanting to touch kids. Touching is just the first step in grooming a victim. I absolutely believe Duggar had only BEGUN at that point. They become much more sophisticated and devious with time. Save the family.

You can't pray the impulse away, no more than you can pray your sexual preference in any other aspect away. I only hope that now it's out there someone somewhere is investigating his current situation and making for damned sure he's not continuing to prey. You now know what he's done. You know the statistical information on the proclivities just disappearing. It is YOUR responsibility to protect children. It is ALL of our responsibility.

You're praying. He's preying. I would ask you this...knowing his history now would you leave your kid alone with him? How irresponsible to let this go for so long.  How the girls he victimized must have unprotected. For what?  I believe in the power of prayer but more than that I believe in protecting my kids, taking action to make sure they are safe.

This cover up didn't stop him. I will bet money. This only taught him that he needed to develop more savvy skills and that dad will fix it if not. Don't want to ruin the good image.


And please...stop speculating who it was he abused. It's so shameful to the victim sometimes. If and when they are ready to speak about it they will. Your concern shouldn't be who can break the story with the original should be making sure he's not still preying on children. For once put the safety of kids ahead of a juicy sensational headline.


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