Literally. I've been having a really hard time with sleep lately. I had a sleep study and it concluded I have restless leg syndrome. I had a follow up earlier this week with my primary and explained to her that I wake up several times a night really disoriented and not knowing exactly where I am. She's sending my sleep study results to the best neurologist in the area to reevaluate the results but in the meantime she's given me Trazadone. It's supposed to aid patients with PTSD related insomnia and nightmares sleep. I sleep but oh my gosh my dreams are terrifying and so vivid. I remember ALL of them.



In this dream I was sleeping on the couch in the living room. One of my kids was at the other end. The rest of my kids were asleep in front of the couch. I heard something at the front door. Then a man walks in. I can tell by the way he's walking he's drunk. He stumbles around for a bit and then just lies down behind the couch. I got up and said quietly yet sternly he had to leave. At first he seemed confused but then he smiled crazy reached back at punched me in the face. I hit the floor. I saw stars and the side of my face was on fire. I didn't think I could get up but I had to. My kids were sleeping just on the other side of the couch. When I got up I could see he was holding a knife by the moonlight through the window. It flickered as he moved it toward me. For what ever reason I grabbed the blade as it came closer to me. I could feel the warm blood running down my arm and then dripping from my elbow to my bare feet. I refused to let go. We ended up on the floor...slipping around in my own blood both struggling for the knife. I somehow managed to get control of it and turn it toward him. As he lunged at me I felt the knife slide into his stomach. I twisted it as hard as I could with my good hand. I knocked him off of me and stabbed him several times. The blood splashed in my face. I actually tasted it. He stopped moving. I reached for my phone and called 911. I don't know what happened after that. I woke up I guess.

The dreams are all similar to this. There is a knife or gun or weapon of some sort and a struggle for my life and to protect my kids. I've only been on this medication for three days yet I can recall in explicit detail several dreams in which I can feel the pain, taste the blood, hear the air gurgling in my attackers chest wound. It's gruesome shit.

I'm going to keep taking it for a weeks time but if it doesn't stop I'm going to have to talk to my doctor about changing it.  I may be sleeping but I'm not getting any rest. The medication is supposed to stop that stuff not exacerbate it.


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