NEW Study Shows Nothing Really

So I was on twitter today and one of the military analysts for CBS posted the new study showing there is no link between deployment and vet suicide. The study isn't new. I've been talking about it for awhile now. But anyhow, what it says is silly...obvious and useless. I will tell you what it says and we'll go over why I think this way.

It says *gasp* it's not the combat vet who's seen war that is more likely to die by suicide but the service member who never did, and never finished one enlistment.

...well duh?!

Let's think of why someone doesn't finish one enlistment.



Mental illness

Criminal activity

We already know that people who have chronic pain, drug and alcohol issues, mental health struggles and problems legally are more likely to kill themselves. They are in a high risk category.

It's the reason they were likely kicked out of the military in the first place so their affiliation to the military is not as important as the preexisting problem. It was there before they even enlisted.

It took all the focus on the problem and put it on the few people who manage to make it through boot camp but are washed out before even finishing their first contract.

It helps us zero. We can't use any of that information to aid those vets who are combat vets, who have ptsd or tbi,who are at risk. Those who had no per indicators, no pre-existing conditions who served the country proudly in war time and are contemplating suicide.

It's like a PR firm did the study itself. It's not the result of service, it's the "quality" of the person who joins. It's like the bad apple in the bunch scenario.

It's infuriating. It minimizes the problem, takes the heat off of them and projects "blame". We don't want to blame anyone, we want useful data to help tackle the problem.

It was like taking a study on veterans and concluding the sky is blue. Well jeez, thanks. I just wasted 3 minutes of my life reading that.

I see what's happening. I'm on to it. You may be able to deflect or diffuse focus momentarily but it's just that...temporary. The issue still looms. Vets still die. Families are forever changed.


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