What Time Is It In Heaven?

Kira asked me what time it was in heaven today. I wasn't sure how to respond. I don't even know if time is a concept up there.
In three weeks it will be a full year he's been gone. Does he know he's missed? Does he know that Kira looks like him more everyday? Does he know that Mason connects to him each time we head to the beach? Or that when I hear Metallica I tear up no matter where I am? Or that I sometimes find myself buying Oreos or pop tarts for him in the grocery store, only to turn around and put them back on the shelf?
We've learned to let go just enough to move on. We have learned to live our life as it is now, different. Time doesn't heal anything. It only teaches us to cope with the pain. What once was catastrophic has evolved into a part of who we are. There's a hint of sadness in our hearts even on the happiest of days.  It's woven into the fabric of who we became in the wake of such loss. What once was a pain so excruciating is now in a way just a dull throb we've learned to manage. 

We are adjusted to the new way we live. Life is a choice. We choose to honor him by smiling and laughing and living our lives to the fullest. We know that's what he'd want for us. A beautiful life. 


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