Running Out Of Options

We do not qualify for life insurance through the VA, nor DIC. I cannot transfer his post 911 education benefits because hes not alive to consent. His death was ruled NOT service related. Because of this I do not qualify for any spouse education assistance at all. When Mike died I had been working only two months. After 7 years of staying home with the kids. I have no employment history for nearly a decade. I applied for FAFSA. I may be eligible for about 15K toward school. I found out today, in the state of CA if you receive social security death benefits youre not eligible for SNAP.

Am I stressed? Yes. Am I praying for a miracle? Yes. I could go get a job at a grocery store but then I lose the death benefits of 800 a month. AND I have to pay for childcare. When it is all said and done I make less than the 800.

What am I going to do?

Im not blaming Mike. What he did THEN wont help where I an NOW.

My credit is ruined. I literally have nothing. My ideas are exhausted. Im not going to make ends meet at this rate.

Something has to happen and soon. People always talk about falling on hard times. I guess right now im the poster child for the concept. I have to get myself out of this. I have no other choice. The kids need me. I wont give up as much as I want to.

I pray for the strength and wisdom to rebuild our life. 


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