We are nearing on the first year mark of Mikes passing. I decided the best way to honor him is to throw a huge Veteran Suicide/PTSD Awareness Rally in September.

On September 15, the first anniversary of his death we will be gathering at the VFW here in Fallbrook California. Its not just a gathering or a rally...its an OPERATION. 

Why 22? What is significant about 22? 

22 Veterans die by suicide daily in the US. 22% of all suicide in America are Veterans. September 22nd would have been my husband, SSGT. Michael John Blum's 40th birthday.

September is Suicide Awareness Month. 

We plan to pass out t shirts, bracelets ribbons and bumper-stickers that day. The more shared the more awareness. 

We will be doing a balloon release in honor of him and the other 21 veterans who die by suicide every single day.

We will have several groups of 22 veterans reving their bikes in unison to symbolize the 22. If loud pipes save lives they will certain get attention. Each biker will wear a shirt that says matter-of-factly "twenty-two veterans die by suicide daily." As they ride around town there is no doubt they will be noticed. 

We are turning our pain and loss into education and awareness. 
If you would like to donate to the very worthy cause click:

If you are far away and would like to purchase a shirt exactly as the ones we will be wearing that day you can get them here:

*We are planning a silent auction and trivia night to help fund the event soon. *


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