If Tomorrow Never Comes

Its been nearly a year since Mike died. His passing has made me think a lot about planning my own final wishes etc. There was a lot about his final arrangements I had to decide on my own because we just didnt talk about certain things. I had no idea what it entailed. I am more informed now. And I do have a few specific requests as morbid as it feels at the moment. I am of sound mind and in as good of health as ever. I am not planning on going for a long time. I still have so much left to do. But, I do realize that I am not in control of my destiny. It is Gods will and I have faith.

I am now the only parent to Mason and Kira. I want this to be a "go-to" in the event that I do not have a formal will written up at the time of my death. I DO NOT WANT ANY FIGHTING OVER MY WISHES after I pass. No verbal, legal, financial fights. I mean that. If you take each other to court and ruin whats left of my children's happiness I will haunt your dreams. When people go to court they always have good intentions but in the end they lose sight of why they started and people get hurt. I can only assume the only reason anyone would go to court is over my kids. I will likely not leave behind a sprawling estate. Its not something I aspire to. My choice for placing my kids is one I have considered for many months. And as I said above, unless I have a more current WILL documented this is what I want for my kids if I should go before they reach adulthood.

I want TJ to go to his father. He is an amazing dad and he will see him through.

I want Mason an Kira to be taken care of by Michael (Sean) Smiley. NO ONE could love them as much as he can. Michaels parents are too old to keep up with them. My parents health is poor. I want Sean to keep loving them the way he does right now. With or without me. I also want our dog Lulu to be in his care.If he is unable to provide or has passed I want my kids to be in the care of Leticia and John Kitchen. They are like parents to them since birth. If they should be unable to care for them or pass before me I want them to go to Jaime Valenzuela. He has been my closest confidant since childhood. He will love them to the moon and back for the rest of their days. This is a huge responsibility and I know they can raise my babies well.

Because my children will be split into two homes I want them to have unlimited contact. Visits and communication shall be liberal. I trust Tony Buttry Sr with any and all of my kids. I trust  Sean Smiley The Kitchens and Jaime Valenzuela the same. I want all parties to regularly update the children's progress. Holidays and special occasions should be shared. Please co-parent harmoniously.

I want any assets to be split between the three kids. Kira will get first choice of my personal items and the boys can divide Michaels belongings. Jan Blum is to leave all of Michael things to Mason upon her death. All items I gave to her after his death were contingent on this fact. We had a verbal agreement that he would be given his fathers things after she passes. There is also the matter of his fathers Mustang. It was given to Michael at his high school graduation. It was always meant to be passed to Mason. I hope that this happens. It is the single most loved possession.

I do NOT want to be buried in Jefferson Barracks with Michael. He is cremated and that was his only request. I do NOT want cremation. In his area of the cemetery they only keep cremated service members and we couldn't be buried together anyway. I know for a fact I will see him again. The location of our mortal vessels is not relevant. I want to be buried where ever is most convenient for the kids. I also want it known that my spirituality is central in my life. I claim no specific religion but I have a personal relationship with God, I have accepted him into my heart and trust His will.

I dont want a sad and depressing funeral. I am not afraid of death. I know when it happens I will have completed what God has sent me in this life to accomplish. I want everyone to wear fancy hats and laugh about all the silly things I did. I do have three song requests if permitted. I would like Black by Pearl Jam, its been my favorite song since I was 15. I also would like Nothing Else Matters by Metallica. It was our family song and reminds us that we are close no matter how far apart. Across the world or from heaven, we are together because we are in each other's heart. Finally I would like Just Breathe by Pearl Jam. It will remind the kids to enjoy the moment. We arent put on this earth to be constantly waiting for something. What matters is right now, this second. Just breathe and make now count. Be good to others.

I would any belonging not wanted by my family to be donated to the Veterans Village in San Diego. They help homeless Veterans. Something that I am passionate about.

My kids should be entitled to college because of their fathers service. Please see to it that they utilize this resource. I want them to be lifetime learners like myself. Never stop being curious. Never stop learning. I dont care what to decide to become when you grow up as long as you do what makes you smile and you keep learning new things.

I want ANDREA IERARDI to have my class ring. She is the most important person in my childhood. The ring symbolizes all of my childhood experiences. Its not worth anything except the memories it holds.

I want Shanna Hughes to have my high school menu collection and scrap book. I walked through my teens holding her hand. She was at nearly all the places I collected the items. She was pivotal in my life.

I want my shoe collection to go to my sister. Only she can appreciate having a shoe for every mood.

I want my book collection to go to Andy Treadway. He loves books and we share a love for reading.

I want my business and marketing, design and sewing collection to go to Aisha Carr. This includes all fabric, two sewing machines, a serger, jewelry findings, custom patters and sketch book. She will know what to do with them.

My book rights will be divided among my kids. Any profits from either of my books will be placed in a trust to provide for them if I pass before they are adults. I give my permission to them to publish any material they find worthy in my belongings at any time after my death.

I want Leticia Kitchen and Ariana Le to oversee any major financial or educational choices made for my children. They must always be kept aware of the kids lives and progress. Communication is a must. They are like second mothers to my kids and always do whats best for them.

There are videos and photos to always remind the kids how much I loved them. Make sure they see them often. Dont let them forget how important they are to me.

I am not afraid of death or dying, only that my kids will be left behind. I know that they will thrive if you follow my wishes. I was here for a reason. I did my job. God is good. 


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