There really is a fog

Now that time has passed and we are approaching five months since he passed I realized there really was a "fog" my head was in immediately after Mikes death. I did so many things in hindsight I wish I hadn't done. Also, so many things happened and I should have spoke up but I just didn't have the energy to fight it.

The thing that bothers me the most is, we had the owner of Servpro come in to do the biohazard cleaning in the garage. He offered to do the work for trade of the value in Mikes tools. I didn't have money the day after he died and I needed all the blood cleaned up before I could bring my kids back in the house. So I agreed. Mike was a mechanic. I had also been buying him Craftsman tools every holiday since we were married. 

The guy took every single tool in our garage. Everything. He basically robbed us. 
There were also several items that he said must be disposed of because they were a biohazard. Mikes amazing Halloween coffin. the one he made special to jump out of every year to scare the kids. I watched them load it up with tears rolling down my face. He loved it. We loved Halloween.

...well it turns out he didn't trash it, he kept it. It was in his front yard with his decorations. It felt like a betrayal. Salt in a wound. 

Next, the coroners office allowed the wrong funeral home to take my husbands body. When our funeral home went to pick him up he wasn't there. They had to hunt him down. After they found him the funeral home who mistakenly retrieved him called me to tell me I owed them 350.00 for THEIR mistake.  I did put my foot down on that.

At the memorial service in Jefferson Barracks, I requested they give the flag to Mikes dad during the ceremony. His dad bought him the gun he used for Father's Day. I knew his pain and guilt was indescribable. I just wanted to ease it and let him know I didn't blame him. I gave that honor to him instead of keeping it for myself and Children.

I gave a lot of his belongings away to his family and friend. I wish I had kept some of those things now that my mind is clear. I did ask his parents to please leave the items to the kids when their time on Earth is done.

I lost my job after his death. Without even a warning. Later I was told due to my PTSD I could not possibly perform the tasks. I didn't fight it. I just cried instead.

There are so many things I am learning to do alone since he died. Something happens everyday and I have to figure it out on my own. 

I guess my point is the "fog" people tell you about does exist but you don't even notice it until it clears. I can't even say for sure it's 100% lifted even now. I guess I won't know until later. I just try to make the best decision I can and not be too hard on myself if it turns out it's not the best choice.


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