His story is going public


Our story hit the Sunday edition of the St.Louis Post. Front page and three pages total. 

Tomorrow is ironically the Marine Corps Birthday. We are also coming up on two months since he's been gone. Besides the article in the Post I will also be a guest on a radio program tomorrow morning. It will be to share his story and promote awareness. 
I would rather have him remember for who he was not how he died but I must sacrifice that in order to help others. So many are suffering.
It's not a cake walk for us. It IS getting easier to manage everyday. The kids behavior has changed. My beautiful sweet and always easy Kira has taken to throwing tantrums of epic proportions. The blow ups come out of nowhere. Mas and Tj are still being defiant and testing limits. I'm short tempered and hate noise. It's a blast. It will pass.
I'm getting out a little bit. Being social. I still have problems sleeping. I can't sleep and after I do fall asleep I just crash out until noon. Thankfully Josh and Amanda are here to pick up slack. I'd be lost without them.
We are going to make it though. I'm hopeful for our life. Our new version of reality. I've accepted that he's gone. Not coming back and I could not have changed the outcome. 
In time I know I can help others just by sharing mikes story, our story. Maybe people wont feel so alone.


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