Giving Thanks

I was told to brace myself for the holidays that they would hit me like a ton of bricks. The magnitude of my harsh reality would knock me down. So, I took that advice. I prepared myself. 
This morning I woke up with all my children, my sister and her child and my brothers children under my roof. I'm not sad. I am proud. I am so thankful to have all my babies together. This is something I've longed for, nearly 11 years now. This moment. 
Instead of counting my sorrows, I'm counting my blessings. I have everything I need and most of what I want. I have amazing family and friends. I have healthy growing, thriving, funny, beautiful children. We have much love and laughter. 
I have a home, food, my bills are paid and I have security. These are things that some people struggle to have a lifetime. I've got it. I appreciate it.
Yes, this year has been a hard one. We have moved cross country, changed lifestyles, new home, schools, jobs, lost Mike and are now rebuilding this new life. It's been a struggle. Life is worth the fight. Moments like today are the big pay off of the fight. 
Today feels like closing my eyes in the sunshine and feeling the warmth of its rays wrap around me. 

It's the beginning to my Beautiful Life.


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