
Showing posts from October, 2012

Westboro Is a Hate Group

Their latest nonsense is incredible. Westboro Says Gays are to Blame For Hurricane . I was going to go with Global Warming. We have proof that Global Warming is happening but who needs facts in their "church". I am offended that these people use "Church" to describe their organization of hatred. God doesn't hate. God doesn't say we should accost and harass people into his way, does he? I am a christian hetero married mother of three. My husband is a US Marine, I love my country and I love God. God loves ALL. God does not "punish" in this life or any other.  I am not afraid of homosexuals. I don't think they will make me gay or try to rape my children. I don't think God will damn me in the next life for loving people regardless of their sexual preference. Hating someone for being gay is no different than hating someone for the color of their skin, the God they love, Or the country they came from. Homosexuals are just like you. You don...

Service Member Suicide

It was recently announced that we have lost more service members this year to suicide than in combat. The statement is shocking, considering we are occupying Afghanistan and other war torn areas of the world and everyday another name is added to the list. People don't want to talk about the suicides. Its as if its a shameful secret swept under the rug. According to the Army soldier suicide is up 80%. EIGHTY PERCENT. We are doing something wrong. It seems that those who truly need help are afraid to talk and those who don't want to quickly blame PTSD for any shortcoming they have in life after war. On the news, if someone robs a bank the first thing they report is he was a combat veteran in one of the branches of the US Military. They skirt around PTSD as a motive. PTSD is real and its not an excuse to toss around lightly. I know why our service members don't reach out. I have been personally effected by it and now since my husband is weeks from retirement and 20 years of...

Self Mutilitation Is Not A Game

When I was in the office at school today a teacher brought in a group of girls to see the principal about playing a "game" in class in which they burn their skin with a large pink eraser. Its a practice that they defended as just a game or a dare. It left major burns on their hands and wrists. My stomach dropped but I kept my mouth closed until they walked away. I then mentioned to the secretary that this is no game. Its a form of self mutilation and although the kids can try to explain it away as just simple curiosity and boredom it is not. It could be nothing but it is a red flag for something much bigger. Self harm is a sign of abuse and emotional distress. The compulsion to hurt yourself is not the problem at all...its the reason you are compelled to hurt yourself that is the issue. Self injury is a symptom. The emotions behind it are the problem. Sure its dangerous, but not nearly as dangerous as what cause you to feel that way. Its a cry for help. I share this in...