No Regrets!

Next week it will be 14 years ago I married TJs dad. Time flies, and at the same time there are moments when it seems like it never happened. We were married only four years. It was straight out of high school for me. In June of 1997 I graduated high school. In June of 1998 I married Tony.

We were so young and not equipped to take on the role of a spouse. We gave it a good try but in the end it wasn't meant to be. I have no regrets and it was no mistake. Thanks to our first "practice run" we learned how to be successful husband and wife to our current spouse. We also had, TJ a year after our wedding. We have learned so much co-parenting him the past 13 years.

We learned a lot of lessons the hard way. I guess I couldn't fully appreciate the respect I have for him without those trials and tribulations. I don't say that lightly. It was no cake walk. We hurt each other a great deal during the custody suit. Man, it was rough.

I can say now that I like him more than ever. We can talk about our son, laugh about his mistakes and share his accomplishments with pride.

So, thank you Tony. Cheers!


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