Hair Style How To

I have been asked to show you how to do one of my hairstyles and its really easy. It can be done in minutes and makes people think you actually spent major time doing your hair. Its trickery. Hair trickery. And I will share my cheat because I love you.

First the basics:

Yep, thats all you need. Everyone has these lying around. I found the bobby pins in my couch cushions because I have a habit of pulling pins out in the evening while watching TV. A confession from me to you.

The First step:
Everyone with me so far? This is easy...yeah!

Then, this:

Tip: (oooh I love secrets!)

Remember when pinning the loose bun dont try to be symmetrical. Dont even look back there. Pretend you are blind. When you try too hard it looks weird.

Next, pull a second pony tail back under the bun. Just like the first. And start wrapping a new loose bun in the opposite direction. Again pinning randomly and connecting to the upper bun. When you get good with the concept, you can pull out random strands of hair and make little loops randomly. It gives the appearance that you spent time curling and setting your hair when in fact you spent your morning on facebook. lol

If you do nothing but twist it looks like this. The more you pin and fuss with it, the fancier it looks. Entirely up to you.

The last step is to just take the final section of hair and braid it to the side. You can also make another pony and bun like the other two for a complete updo. 

This was done in ten minutes...including the time I spent taking photos.

Piece of cake right? I did my hair like this yesterday and two ladies in walmart stopped me to tell me how cute it was and the cashier at the Country Store asked me where i had it done. I told her my bathroom. She was shocked.

If that one was easy to follow my next step by step will be the victory rolls I did in the front of the hair style. You can do the front however you fancy but this is what I did...


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