Reality Check!

I would never want to be a politician. Not because I could potentially be assassinated but because when push comes to shove, they get all crazy on each other like the sick kid who started the debate.
After the shooting in Arizona was announced I knew immediately the Loughner was sick. For the past few days all the buzz has been about this "politically motivated" tragedy. The democrats fighting the republicans on every possible angle...except the actual issue. I am sitting back reading and listening to all of this thinking "how can they not see this"? Their personal attacks, Tea party, Palin, gun control. Stop the insanity!

This has nothing to do with politics and everything to do with mental illness. Loughner is schizophrenic. Not all schizophrenics attempt to assassinate public figures but unfortunately most who have or attempted WERE. Sirhan Sirhan, Mark David Chapman, Valerie Solanas, John Hinckley Jr. Do any of these names look familiar? They probably should. All have done the same thing and all have been diagnosed Schizophrenic.

I get that our country is in a state of crisis but building your soapbox of the bodies of the those killed is just as crazy as Loughner himself. Didn't your mother ever teach you that louder is not an indication of who is right? You are screaming so loudly that you are missing whats going on around you. Focus!

Quit putting all your energy into trying to put Palin on the spot and come up with a plan to fix the problem! Together.

In my experience Schizophrenics pick two types of people to obsess over. Public figures and Religion. If you work in either one of these areas you are at risk. Its not your policies. Its not personal. Its not rational. It could be that on the day they last saw you, you were wearing orange. The voices told him to kill people in orange. He will then go though years of media and pick apart everything you ever did or said or wore to support his new "plan".

And, they are not quietly plotting. So, where are his friends and family? Hes telling everyone. He feels 110% justified in his ideas. Its not a secret.

Loughner blogged, wrote, talked vlogged...everything but hired a sky writer. You can plainly see in his writing that hes not well.

And yet, because the huge political finger pointing its like he wasnt even the one who pulled the trigger. You stole his twisted thunder.


  1. Hey Misty,

    I agree this was not a political situation. But my inner nerd needed to clarify something...Chapman and Hinckley were not diagnosed schizophrenic.

    Chapman was diagnosed with a delusional disorder, but he is also quite manipulative, so the consensus is split as to whether or not he truly meets the criteria for psychosis.

    Hinckley was given the dual diagnosis of psychosis and major depression. There are many that feel that Hinckely was not mentally ill at all, just malignantly narcissistic and delusional. I think he just won the right to drive to see his family for week long visits, can't wait to see him on 95...

    There is a lot to Schizophrenia, and the media really likes to throw the 'paranoid schizophrenic' label around because it is scary and makes good news.

    There was a really neat segment on this past Sunday's '60 Minutes' that had the secret service discussing their work with assassins. I think you'll like it.

    Yours in nerdery,


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