Her Day vs. His Way

**I have Regretsy on my "likes" with Facebook and one of the writers for Brides. Com. She posted her latest article and I just have to reply. Here is her article: Her Day

I want to start with HAHAHAHAHA....HA...HAHAHAHA. Now that I got that out I can get on with it. Do they have a Grooms.com? Grooms magazines? Grooms Conventions? Groomzilla? No. Wanna know why? Guys in general just don't give a crap about flowers, unity candles and favors. A man's biggest choice when getting married is cumber-bun or vest. They don't even get to pick the color of said vest.

No, you aren't asking the wrong questions. Its a trick question because no matter what they say in the end you will do what you want anyway. All the crap about not wanting to be with a man who doesn't have an opinion on your bouquet arrangement is laughable at best. He wants to be married to you. Is that not enough? Leave the guys alone. The whole time I was reading the article I though of the scene from "The Break Up". The Lemon scene. Baby wants 12 lemons. Asking a guy what he wants for the wedding is like asking him if your ass looks fat in lame' spandex.

Do you want to know why he cares about the menu and the music? Because he doesn't want to eat shit or listen to 2 Live Crew's Pop That Pussy when hes dancing with his grandmother! If to you this means hes "involved" right on.

The truth is, a guy generally just wants the planning, tasting, fitting, and talking about all things wedding... to end as soon as possible. Now, some guys get all into it but its the exception not the rule.

You say he has dreams? Little boys don't spend their days fantasizing about their wedding day. They don't start a hope chest, and pretend they are grooms. Their dreams are that their future wife doesn't get fat and gives copious amounts of fellatio.

Women are completely out of control about wedding these days. Its not about the union. Its about the "show". Topping the last brides day. It IS the brides day after all.

Do you really think a groom-to-be dreams of riding into the service on a ostrich--that's been hand died by your bridesmaids to match their dresses? No.

If it was his choice, you would have been in a courthouse the day after he proposed. Like Burger King. He'd have it his way.

I have been married twice. One big to-do. One drive thru in Vegas. The big one, well, that lasted four years. The Vegas stop...we just celebrated our 8th wedding anniversary. My only regret on it was we only have one photo of "My Day". (which actually wasn't during the day. We got married at 12;15am) Best part of that was it cost us 150 bucks. Most of that was gas from San Diego to Vegas.

So...ask your husbands "Honey, do you want sea-foam blue doves to be released the moment we are pronounced Mr. and Mrs; or do you want to spend 150 bucks and be done in 15 minutes?"

You are right...perhaps you are asking the wrong questions.

But don't worry if your big day doesn't go as planned. Chances are you'll end up divorced. You can make sure you get it right next time!

PS Congratulations!


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