Music and emotion

Its so amazing to me how music can evoke such emotion. It happens to me nearly daily. It's nuts because most of the time, its not even a good song. It just happens to be on in the background when something significant in my life happens. Of course there are some songs that are just brilliant in lyrics or music. Those stand alone.
Just a few minutes ago I walked into the country store here on base and Avril's "Im with you" was playing on the store speakers. I instantly thought of Mike's first deployment to Iraq. We had just married and he headed off to the middle east. The war had not officially begun and there was a national sense of tension. We were all holding our breath, so unsure of what was to happen. I was a newb in the military lifestyle and it was all so overwhelming. To make matters worse, he was one of the very first to set foot in Kuwait and they had no means of communication. There were no telephone lines, no internet and hell...they didn't even have toilets. It was day 45 of his deployment, zero contact and I was all nerves. I logged into my AOL account and saw email from my husband. As I clicked on the link to read it, Avril happened to be playing on my radio. I read and re-read that email over and over. I cried so hard that day. Knowing he was safe and he missed me and we would get through the deployment together, even though we were on opposite sides of the world. I think, even if the "Hokey Pokey" were playing that day it would mean as much.
So, as much as I try to avoid it I cant help but associate even the worst of songs with memories. Its not the song but the short flashes of life that are triggered. You should know, if you see me laugh hysterically in say, I dunno, a mall or elevator...I am not crazy, I blame the song on the public radio speakers. If you see me tearing up feel free to laugh at me or take a photo and post in on Facebook.


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